Cloud-Based Web Application Check-Script


Monitoring applications can be tricky. As a network engineer it’s important that the applications that I serve up are available and working properly. To network engineers it’s important that resources are up and running from the Internet. This script checks a variety of aspects pertaining to a public URL.

  • Availability (TCP ports)
  • Content matching (HTTP GET)
  • Certificate Expiration
  • Security (SSL disabled, proper chain, etc.)
  • DNS (cert name mismatch, DNS lookup)

The script runs from a Linux server I have in the cloud. Use any platform you choose. All that is required is Perl, curl, openssl and netcat.The MIME::Lite and DATE::Calc Perl modules are also required.

The script will run through a list of URL’s defined by you and check for content we’d expect when the application is up. We run through a lot of other tests mentioned above. Take a look at the script and see what it checks for.

The script will push output to an HTML file that allows for “user-friendly” appearance in email alerts and the HTML file can be uploaded to a webserver.

Configure the script to run periodically with a cron job.

This is a free, easily modified script that can help monitor your applications without much overhead. Use and modify to your specific needs.

use MIME::Lite;
use Date::Calc qw(

# -----VERSION NOTES-----              
# 1.0: Base configuration
# 1.1: Added color/formatting changes to output
# 1.2: Added ncat port validation after failure
# 1.3: Added email functionality
# 1.4: Modified code to send HTML instead of text
# 1.5: Save HTML output to file and SFTP to dashboard server
# 1.6: Added additional logic for failure types, e.g. 404, etc.
# 2.0: Added Email logic for detecting failures
# 2.1: Added cert checking logic

# To test an application, add the full URL of the app you
# want to test to the apps variable. Secondly add a string of 
# content that matches when the application is up and running. 
# If the content doesn't match, the application is marked as 
# down. 

# Applications short or common name goes here e.g. 'Customer WebUI'
@shortname = (	#App1
				'Fake Domain'
# FULL application URL goes here to test for availability and content
@apps = (	'',

# Strings to match against when you know the application is up go here. 
@validator = (	'Google Search',
# Count number of variables in array to loop can run properly
$numapps = (scalar @apps);

# Define variables

# Needed for our while statement
$a = 0;
# If one failure check passed, don't check for other failures. Reduces redundant information.
$b = 0;
# If c = 1, app is down. Used for e-mail notifications
$c = 0;

# Define HTML array to be sent via. SFTP
my @html = ();

# Set datetime
$time = `TZ=":US/Eastern" date`;

# Add environmental header in HTML file
push @html, '<head><title>App Status</title></head>';
push @html, '

<h1>Application Status</h1>

push @html, '

<h3>The applications listed here are checked once every 30 minutes</h3>

push @html, '

Last Checked: ' ;
push @html, $time;
push @html, '


# Tell the user that something is happening
print "The test is running, please wait... \n";

# Begin the checks
while($a < $numapps){

 # Grab URL components to allow for more segmented testing, use variables as needed
 my($protocol, $host, $port, $uri) = $apps[$a] =~ m|(.*)://([a-zA-Z0-9\-.]+):([0-9]+)?(.*)?|;

 # Lets run some quick security tests first
 $sslv2check = `timeout 3 openssl s_client -connect '$host':443 -ssl2 2>/dev/null`;
 $sslv3check = `timeout 3 openssl s_client -connect '$host':443 -ssl3 2>/dev/null`;

 # Get todays year, month and date
 $year = `TZ=":UTC" date +%Y`;
 $month = `TZ=":UTC" date +%m`;
 $date = `TZ=":UTC" date +%d`;
 #Convert todays date to a numeric date count
 $now = Date_to_Days($year,$month,$date);
 # Grab certificate date
 $cert = `timeout 3 openssl s_client -connect $host:443 -tls1 2>/dev/null| openssl x509 -noout -enddate 2>/dev/null| cut -f2 -d'=' | xargs -0 date +%F -d 2>/dev/null`;

 # Split the output into DATE MONTH DAY
 my @certdates = split('-', $cert); 

 #End certificate expiration logic
 if ($sslv3check =~ /Server public key is/) {
 $sslv3check = 1;
 print "We matched the SSLv3 security check\n";
 if ($sslv2check =~ /Server public key is/) {
 $sslv2check = 1;
 print "We matched the SSLv2 security check\n";

 # The standard check with a 60 second timeout. This is what grabs the HTTP information response from server
 $check = `curl '$apps[$a]' -m 60 2> stderr.txt`;
 # If the check failed, we want to preserve that information. Stderr is saved to a variable and the checks below are ran. 
 undef $stderr;
 my $stderr = `cat stderr.txt`;
 # Matched DNS unresolvable 
 if ($stderr =~ /curl: \(6{1}\)/) {
 # I set this here so we don't run other redundant checks.
 $b = 1;
 print "We matched the DNS stderr log\n";
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a>: <b>We couldn\'t resolve the host that you specified</b> using public DNS servers. Something is amiss...'; 
 #Matched a TCP reset
 elsif ($stderr =~ /curl: \(56\)/) {
 $b = 1;
 print "We matched the TCP Reset rule\n";
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a>: <b>We were sent a reset!!</b> Since we did not see the construction page, there are a few reasons for this:<ul>';
 push @html, '<li>The server is not accepting requests at all. Check the server locally and make sure it does the same with localhost.</li>';
 push @html, '<li>The firewall is blocking us, DNS could be wrong, or the firewall isn\'t listening on this port</li></ul>'; 
 #Matched a cert name mismatch
 elsif ($stderr =~ /curl: \(51\)/) {
 undef $check;
 $check = `curl -k '$apps[$a]' -m 60 2> stderr.txt`;
 print "We matched the Cert Name Mismatch rule\n";
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a>: <b>Requested DNS name does not match the servers certificate!!</b>';
 push @html, '<p>Check the cert that the server is providing. If the cert appears fine, make sure the utility is using the name you are expecting.';
 push @html, 'Depending on the browser, a client might not notice this, but it is best practice to fix this issue.</p>';
 #Matched SSL chain failures
 elsif ($stderr =~ /curl: \(60\)/) {
 $b = 1;
 # There was an SSL issue. Lets run our curl check again without forcing chain validation and continue
 undef $check;
 $check = `curl -k '$apps[$a]' -m 60 2> stderr.txt`;
 print "We matched the Cert-chain stderr log, we will run curl again in insecure mode\n";
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a> <b style="color:green">is up</b> with caveats... <h3>NOTE:</h3>We found an issue with the certificate chain that your server provides. Validate the chain your server is sending.<br>';
 push @html, 'You can use <i>ssl-labs</i> to check the chain. Here is an automated link to check yourself.<ul><li>';
 push @html, '<a href="';
 push @html, $host;
 push @html, '&hideResults=on&latest" target="_blank">SSL-Labs Test</a></li></ul>';
 push @html, 'The application may be working, but best practice we should make sure the chain your server is sending is what it should.<br>';
 if ($sslv3check == 1) {
 push @html, '<br><b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv3 protocol. <i>Shame on you!!</i><br>';
 if ($sslv2check == 1) {
 push @html, '<br><b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv2 protocol. <i>Extra shame on you!!</i><br>'; 
 # Comparison statement to see if the content of the curl contains validator
 if (($check =~ /$validator[$a]/) && ($b == 0)) {
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a> is <a style="color:green">up!!</a>';
 if (($sslv3check == 1) || ($sslv2check == 1)) {
 push @html, '<br>This app accepts SSL, which is an unsecure protocol!!<br>';
 push @html, 'You can use <i>ssl-labs</i> to check the server. Here is an automated link to check yourself.<ul><li>';
 push @html, '<a href="';
 push @html, $host;
 push @html, '&hideResults=on&latest" target="_blank">SSL-Labs Test</a></li></ul>';
 if ($sslv3check == 1) {
 push @html, '<br><b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv3 protocol. <i>Shame on you!!</i><br>';
 if ($sslv2check == 1) {
 push @html, '<br><b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv2 protocol. <i>Extra shame on you!!</i><br>'; 
 # WE FOUND A 404
 elsif ($check =~ /404 - File or directory not found./) {
 $c = 1;
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a> is showing a <b style="color:red">404 error</b>, check the server!!';
 # WE FOUND A Server Error
 elsif ($check =~ /An unhandled exception occurred/) {
 $c = 1;
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a> is showing a <b style="color:red">Server Error</b>, check the server!!';
 else {
 print "The first check failed, we will wait 30 seconds then check again.\n";
 # Wait 10 seconds, then run the test again, just to make sure
 `sleep 30s`;
 undef $check;
 $check = `curl '$apps[$a]' -m 60 2> stderr.txt`;
 # Skip this test if we matched something above
 if (($check !~ /$validator[$a]/) && ($b == 0)) { 
 $c = 1;
 push @html, '<hr><p>We didn\'t find this content: <i>';
 push @html, $validator[$a]; 
 push @html, '</i> in the <b>';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</b> application. <b style="color:red">The application appears to be down!!</p><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">Click here to check the URL</b></a><br>';
 # The content we expected was not found. As long as the host exists, lets run a port check on it. 
 if ($host ne "" ) {
 $ncoutput = `timeout 10s ncat -v '$host' '$port' &> ncat.tmp`;
 $cat = `cat ncat.tmp | grep Connected`;
 if ($cat =~ /Connected/) {
 push @html, '<h3>Summary:</h3><ul><li>From a network perspective, <b style="color:green">everything seems ok.</b></li>';
 push @html, '<li>We couldn\'t find the content we expected to see. We got there, but application may not be running/installed properly.</li>';
 push @html, '<li>If you see an \'Under Maintenance\' page, <b>check the inservice.txt file</b> on your server and make sure it loads locally.</li></ul>';
 push @html, 'Manually check the URL (above) and verify that what is presented is expected.</p>'; 
 if (($sslv3check == 1) || ($sslv2check == 1)) {
 push @html, '<br>This app accepts SSL, which is an unsecure protocol!!<br>';
 push @html, 'You can use <i>ssl-labs</i> to check the server. Here is an automated link to check yourself.<ul><li>';
 push @html, '<a href="';
 push @html, $host;
 push @html, '&hideResults=on&latest" target="_blank">SSL-Labs Test</a></li></ul>';
 if ($sslv3check == 1) {
 push @html, '<b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv3 protocol. <i>Shame on you!!</i><br>';
 if ($sslv2check == 1) {
 push @html, '<b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv2 protocol. <i>Extra shame on you!!</i><br>'; 
 else {
 push @html, '<h3>Summary:</h3><ul><li>We couldnt find <b>content in the code</b> from the URL that we were expecting to see. </li>';
 push @html, '<li>We then ran a pinch test from the Internet and it <b>also failed.</b></li></ul>';
 push @html, 'Our guess is that the server is either <b>hard-down, DNS is not resolving</b> or something on the network is <b>not responding.</b><br>';
 push @html, 'Next step is to view the URL from the web. If nothing loads, check the same URL local to the server.<br>';
 push @html, 'If that loads you are most-likely facing a network/DNS issue.</b>';

 if (($sslv3check == 1) || ($sslv2check == 1)) {
 push @html, '<br>This app accepts SSL, which is an unsecure protocol!!<br>';
 push @html, 'You can use <i>ssl-labs</i> to check the server. Here is an automated link to check yourself.<ul><li>';
 push @html, '<a href="';
 push @html, $host;
 push @html, '&hideResults=on&latest" target="_blank">SSL-Labs Test</a></li></ul>';
 if ($sslv3check == 1) {
 push @html, '<b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv3 protocol. <i>Shame on you!!</i><br>';
 if ($sslv2check == 1) {
 push @html, '<b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv2 protocol. <i>Extra shame on you!!</i><br>'; 
 elsif (($check =~ /$validator[$a]/) && ($b == 0)) {
 push @html, '<hr><a href="';
 push @html, @apps[$a];
 push @html, '" target="_blank">';
 push @html, $shortname[$a];
 push @html, '</a> is <a style="color:green">up!!</a>';
 if (($sslv3check == 1) || ($sslv2check == 1)) {
 push @html, '<br>This app accepts SSL, which is an unsecure protocol!!<br>';
 push @html, 'You can use <i>ssl-labs</i> to check the server. Here is an automated link to check yourself.<ul><li>';
 push @html, '<a href="';
 push @html, $host;
 push @html, '&hideResults=on&latest" target="_blank">SSL-Labs Test</a></li></ul>';
 if ($sslv3check == 1) {
 push @html, '<br><b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv3 protocol. <i>Shame on you!!</i><br>';
 if ($sslv2check == 1) {
 push @html, '<br><b>Note:</b> This server allows the SSLv2 protocol. <i>Extra shame on you!!</i><br>'; 

 #If we couldn't pull a cert, prevent script from crashing
 if ($cert eq "") {
 print "We couldn't connect to the domain to run a cert check.";
 else {
 # Convert year/mo/day to numeric date count
 $certnow = Date_to_Days(@certdates[0],@certdates[1],@certdates[2]);
 # Subtract current date and cert expiry date
 $certdaysleft = ($certnow - $now);
 #If the cert is beyond expiration, let us know
 if ($certdaysleft < 0) {
 push @html, '<br><b style="color:red">NOTE!!</b> The certificate for this domain has expired <b>' . $certdaysleft . "</b> days ago!!";
 elsif ($certdaysleft <= 14) {
 print "\nCert expires in " . $certdaysleft . " days!!\n";
 push @html, '<br><b style="color:red">NOTE!!</b> The certificate for this domain will expire in <b>' . $certdaysleft . "</b> days!!";

 if ($c == 1) {
 print "Compiling email...please wait...\n";
 $from = '';
 $to = '';
 my $subject = $shortname[$a] . ' appears to be down!!';
 print $subject . "Sending notification email!!\n";
 my $body = '<font face="calibri">
<h2>Health Check Failed:</h2>

<a href="' . @apps[$a] . '" target="_blank">Click here to check URL</a>' . 
<h4>Time of failure: </h4>

' . $time . 

A public cloud server checks for content behind this URL periodically. We ran two tests against it, and couldn\'t find what we were looking for (' . $validator[$a] . 
 '). Click the URL to validate. After manually checking, if the page loads as you\'d expect, it may have been under heavy load at that given time. ' . 
 'Check historical monitoring tools for any possible outages or heavy load.


 $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
 From => $from,
 To => $to,
 Subject => $subject,
 Data => qq{$body}

 $msg->attr("content-type" => "text/html"); 
 # Make sure our error parsing file is empty after each run
 `cat /dev/null > stderr.txt`;
 undef $b;
 undef $c;
 undef $check;

#  ---- SFTP Configuration ----    #
# Optionally upload HTML file to an SFTP site for viewing
# SFTP the file to the site of your choice
# Authentication method uses keys not interactive passwords

# Make sure index.html exists and is empty before we start
`touch index.html`;
`cat /dev/null > index.html`;

# Define filename
my $indexfile = 'index.html';

# Write HTML array to file
open (FILE, ">> $indexfile") || die "\nProblem opening $indexfile\n";
print FILE @html;
close (FILE);

# Create a simple batch file to put file on your SFTP site first
# Copy file to SFTP server
`sftp -b mysftpbatch.bat`;

# Remove temporary file
`rm -f ncat.tmp`;

print "\nThe test is done, check the URL results\n";